In the year 2005, it was decided to increase the activity in Jammu -Kashmir state. Mainly looking at the difficulties Hindus were facing in the Northwest border area of Bharat in the Jammu Division, it was decided to encourage a Yatra that was going on there for a long time. Bajarang Dal gave a call to its karyakartas to come join this Budha Amarnath yatra that was near the district place of Poonch in the northwest corner of Bharat, just about 2 km away from the border. Bajarang Dal karyakartas (workers) started coming in thousands of numbers for the yatra which would pass through Rajoury, Sunderbani and Poonch area, which are some of the most sensitive areas as far as the Islamic terrorist activity & infiltration across the border are concerned.
In the first year, there were 3 attacks on the Budha Amarnath Yatra. The Army did a splendid job of tackling the terrorists. This new yatra electrified the Hindus staying in this area. It also started benefiting them financially. Since then more and more people are coming for this Yatra. In Poonch district, only 7% of Hindus remain now. This Yatra has increased their resolve to stay there and also the yatra has united them more. Last year in 2007, over one lakh pilgrims went for the yatra in this remote, endangered corner of Bharat!